performance XAPA Capses 1974

performance XAPA Capses 1974

performance XAPA Capses 1974

"looking at little lights" 1981 exhibition objet truové with transformation

"looking at little lights" 1981 exhibition objet truové with transformation

"looking at little lights" 1981 exhibition objet truové with transformation

"looking at little lights" 1981 exhibition objet truové with transformation

"looking at little lights" 1981 exhibition objet truové with transformation

"poems of the sea" 1981 exhibition objet truové with transformation

"poems of the sea" 1981 exhibition objet truové with transformation

"poems of the sea" 1981 exhibition object truové with transformation

"poems of the sea" 1981 exhibition objet truové with transformation

"poems of the sea" 1981 exhibition objet truové with transformation

"moons and tears" 1983 exhibition balsa wood, cane and paper

"moons and tears" 1983 exhibition balsa wood, cane and paper

"moons and tears" 1983 exhibition balsa wood, cane and paper